Membership with WASMA gives you a voice!
Benefits at a glance:
Concessional Registration for your vehicles through your club.
Access to Club and WASMA Sanctioned events.
Use the WASMA app to log your C4C use.Get in touch with a WASMA registered club today!
WASMA’s role in the modified car scene is to act as a peak body to represent enthusiasts to government for improvement to interpreting and implementing the current rules and regulations and act to assist clubs with common issues.
WASMA includes among its limited membership those people who first approached government and pushed for the creation and implementation of the Concessions 4 Classics (C4C) concessional licensing scheme which has translated into cheaper registration costs for thousands of modified car owners.
In order to ensure that enthusiast clubs don’t feel that WASMA is trying to compete with them or take members away from them, WASMA has limited its membership to approximately 50, which is about where we are today.
This number of members allows WASMA to maintain its DoT Approved Club status as well as providing it with a dedicated group available to form its executive and other committees. Our agreement with our member clubs is that we will recommend any persons wanting to join to take advantage of C4C to one of those clubs. There are single marque / model clubs who are members but there are also non-marque specific clubs who are members of WASMA who offer their members C4C while having a broad representation of vehicle type and models. Northern Steel are based north of the river and Perth City Street Machine are based to the south and neither have any model or marque focus and have shown a willingness to provide C4C without demanding meeting attendance, etc. Those clubs that do focus on single marque or models do help provide a common interest as well as offering a simpler means of finding parts or expertise in the ownership of those vehicles.
WASMA was not formed to act as a club, for instance, we do not hold car events; it was created, among other reasons, to help clubs with their approach to C4C and to maximise the use of the C4C club days.
WASMA has taken some good steps forwards in the 12 months since our formation. We are currently working with the DoT through our Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) to review and hopefully refine their approach to VSB14 in order to implement it more widely to ensure certainty to people planning a new build rather than the somewhat random approach currently in place. Whilst this is unlikely to provide instant and widespread relief, it is a beginning which we hope will achieve good outcomes for all, over time.
Whilst we understand individuals might be frustrated that WASMA cannot provide for their desire to simply get access to C4C, we are committed to our member clubs to help them succeed and in turn provide us with their numbers to assist us in getting the attention of, and representing to, the WA government.